At last, we meet again. It seems forever and a day has passed since I've written. I'm sorry. The auto-pilot of life just grabbed hold of me and would not let go. But I'm back now for good.
I can't believe it's July. June evaporated right before my eyes. I did too much and yet it seemed like I didn't do enough. I've been told that in your late 20's you have to take the ride and hold on for dear life. Lately I've been learning how true in fact that statement is in the real world.
From the passing of my grandmother in April, my cousin's wedding jam packed with it's "Uniqueness", bullies in a particular area of my life from 9-5 that I can't talk about here, to losing a friend of 16 years over stupid double standards, to embracing the reality of being in a real relationship for two years and feeling the pressure of the length of time, to all that lurks in between. What a rough patch of time it's been.
But then the beauty of life shined through reminding me of good times to come and brought those good days to me in stunning technicolor. For my two year anniversary CJ took me to where we had our first date...and when he pulled up to my place he had flowers in his hand. He kissed me in the same spot he did 2 years ago. It was awesome. From all the frequent rain storms in New York I've seen 3 beautiful vibrant rainbows all giving me hope of a smile. I went to Mexico with CJ and experienced a whole different world that was so eye-opening to stare at ancient Mayan ruins that it took my breath away. I love my lil world but catching that glimpse of how big the world truly is has be hungry for more...I can't wait to plan my next adventure. Oh yeah and I'm on my way to 27 Dresses is starting up again with dress #2...very soon...
All of this has taught me so much...The good & the bad.

Starting this week I'm going to try and get back into the groove of things. I've been obsessed with Pinterest lately and with my trusty Nook I've been reading tons of magazines. My 27th birthday is in a lil over a month away and my gift to myself is organization & attempting to stop feeling like I'm constantly at a dead run or just "scrapping by". I want to feel confident in my actions and feel like I have a good grip on my chair of life. I've actually lost & kept off five pounds and for me that is a huge feat. More on all of this later.
I can't wait to see what the blog world has been up to. I missed you guys. You have all opened my eyes to so much...I can't wait to see what will be next! =)